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Taking Down a Tribe From the Top Down.

Writer's picture: Wahsay Geezhgo KwayWahsay Geezhgo Kway
How do you take down the largest tribe east of the #Mississippi? Corruption, and deceipt reign supreme and without getting the word out, it will never end.

So how do you take down a tribe? You hire #lawyers. Lots and lots of lawyers. Then you pay them....and pay them off....with the federal funds you were granted based on the POWER of your membership numbers. #50K #Strong #WhenAPandemicPays

Until one of those lawyers has to investigate #YOU, the former Chairperson of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians, Aaron Payment.

And, lo and behold, for perhaps the FIRST TIME EVER (#SlowClap)...we have an #ETHICAL lawyer, folks! Demonstrating such integrity, in fact, that even after the corrupt Board of Directors refused to renew his contract and he was forced to seek alternative employment, he STILL chose to STAND UP against the decades old system of corruption that this tribe is built upon. Even as a new county #prosecutor for the state of #Michigan, he still refused to be silent. #Same ;)

And, daaaayum....he had ALOT to say., rather. #CYA

Now, you may be wondering....which Aaron is this and what is this #subpoena being discussed with Kimberly? And...WHO is Kimberly?

SO glad you asked! Allow me to introduce to you Aaron Schlehuber, current General Counsel for the Board of Directors for the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians. #FunFact - his WIFE is also the current General Manager of Kewadin Casino of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. So, like.....he protects the corruption, and she runs the casino. #NothingToSeeThere...but, more on that later.

Along with, I mean, Director Kimberly Hampton of the Sault Tribe Board of Directors. Did I mention she was also nominated to the Tribal Homeland Security Council? By our FORMER RESIGNED AND DISGRACED CHAIR?

Rounding up this trifecta of terror, the SUBPOENA, in Aaron Schlehuber's own words: #GetchaPopcorn

I don't know about ya'll, but I tend to believe the new Roscommon County prosecutor. Js. But whyyyyyy would our tribal General Counsel, whose #OneJob is to protect the rights of the MEMBERS, so blatantly disregard the Sault Tribe Constitution and Bylaws? Not only with acting as defense counsel for an individual ELECTED to represent the members who has been found GUILTY of #ElectionFraud.....but also by.....

.....wait for it......

....also DEFENDING this guy ^ against allegations of Sexual Harassment AND unlawful termination. The current "acting" Chairperson of the Sault Tribe of Chippewa Indians.

Did I mention that the #victim of this harassment ALSO was his #subordinate? The misogynist game is STRONG with this Chairperson. He doesn't like it when you talk back. Consider yourself #warned.

And for the love of sweet baby Jesus, do NOT eat the #free #popcorn.

If you have any sense of #RESPECT at for SURE will not peacefully #protest. Most especially not while eating popcorn on the tribal dime. Standing on a chair. To get away from the Chairman's MOM, who attempts to intimidate you so you'll just SHUT UP like her son demands. #LeSigh'll just get #banned from attending an Open Meeting, in violation of your right to #FreeSpeech. Or #evicted from your tribal housing on tribal #reserve land.

Stay tuned for the next edition of As The Tipi Turns - #WordOnTheRez is there's #theft of #OnlineGamingFunds afloat!

Stay fresh, cheese boxes! :D #CommodCheeseIsLife #iykyk

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